Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Asapargus Tip

Asapargus Tip, originally uploaded by ElementaryTechTeacher.

We love steamed asparagus. My son tends to get tired of it in the summer but not the rest of us. On Sunday while perusing the veggie section at the store this bunch caught my eye, nice and thin and firm. It won't be long and we'll be able to buy local. I should see if my husband or daughter would try growing it this year. I know it takes a few years to get it established. I tend the flower gardens and let my husband/daughter tend the fruit and veggies. We like it steamed with butter, s&p, and Parmesan cheese. What's your favorite way to fix to asparagus?


  1. I'll take asparagus any way - just delicious. Your picture is making my mouth water. Somehow I just can't justify buying it in winter when it comes all the way from Peru. Looking forward to some from a little closer.
    This is a great closeup.

  2. I have never eaten well prepared asparagus. A very dramatic picture.

  3. I'm afraid I don't like asparagus. I do like the photo though - beautiful colours and textures.
